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TecLogTalks: 5 Questions to Martina Pfisterer, Payroll Accountant

Hello Martina Pfisterer, what does your daily work with us look like?

Foto von Martina Pfisterer.

As someone who likes to start the day by calmly organizing things, I usually arrive at the office half an hour before the rest of the administration team.

My daily tasks include managing and reviewing performance reports for all employees, requesting sick leave certificates, preparing payroll for our field employees, and finalizing and approving payroll. Additionally, I support the administration in digitalization efforts and in ensuring compliance with legal requirements for temporary employment. Business integration management is a relatively new area for me, but one that I am excited to tackle.

Those are already a few of the tasks. Which challenges keep you engaged beyond a normal working day?

As a passionate team player, I always strive to support my colleagues in various aspects of both life and work. I’m happy to assist with formatting questions, creating forms, drafting contracts, developing guidelines, and even exchanging lunch recipes. 😉

How do you recharge your own batteries to overcome all these challenges? How do you start the day?

My day starts with a good cup of tea or hot chocolate, and usually a warm breakfast as well. A healthy dose of fresh air in the morning also helps me recharge and energize for the day ahead.

What is the biggest challenge you have overcome? What strategies did you use to get there?

Implementing our new HR software has been a challenging task and there are still some issues to resolve. However, I am confident that I will overcome these as well. Having a great team by my side, with whom we can even laugh about seemingly hopeless or absurd situations, is a tremendous advantage.

Finally, do you have a personal tip for us to stay motivated?

It’s important to appreciate the small positive gestures from colleagues. I enjoy cooking together at work, having lunch together, sharing a laugh, or even venting frustrations as a team. The family-like atmosphere at TecLog provides constant support, and there’s always someone with a listening ear.

As an additional motivational tool, I keep a folder in my email inbox where I collect kind notes from employees. When things get challenging, it’s definitely helpful to revisit these positive moments and remember how we’ve been able to help each other.

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