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TecLogTalks: 5 Questions for Jürgen Nitzbon, Project Manager
Hello Jürgen Nitzbon, what does your daily work with us look like?
My working day starts at 08.00 in the morning. I then draw up my to-do list with the items that need to be done that day. The daily jour fix from 09.00 a.m. helps to clarify open questions and topics. Usually, the to-do list then expands a little 😉 but this also helps me to tackle my day-to-day work in a targeted manner.
Those are just a few of the tasks. Which challenges keep you engaged beyond a normal working day?
If there’s time, I enjoy keeping myself busy with advanced training and seminars. This way, I stay up to date with the state of the art and get fresh input. I particularly acknowledge exchanging ideas with colleagues. Especially as a project manager, that’s a great way to get insights into the current status of a project, and it also contributes to improvements in project processes and results.
How do you recharge your own batteries to overcome all these challenges? How do you start the day?
To start the day in a focused manner and to stay fit and healthy, I begin with a cold shower. Meditation afterward helps me to recharge my batteries and concentrate on the day’s tasks.
What is the biggest challenge you have overcome? What strategies did you use to get there?
Each project is unique, and no two are identical. This inherent diversity presents a constant stream of new challenges. Yet, when faced with a new challenge, our collaborative environment ensures that there is always a knowledgeable colleague available to provide guidance and support.
Finally, do you have a personal tip for us to stay motivated?
Set goals and keep your focus on them!