Technical Personnel Leasing
TecLog – Your Installation Support / Technical Personnel Leasing
Due to our long term experience in the area Industrial Installation and Logistics, you will find the ideal staff with us meeting your requirements.
In comparison to permanent employment, personnel leasing offers various economic advantages – such as personnel planning, personnel costs and personnel recruitment.
1. Manageable Personnel Costs
Die Personalkosten sind durch Zeitarbeit zum einen sehr gut kalkulierbar, zum anderen in der Regel geringer als bei Festeinstellungen. Sowohl Lohnnebenkosten als auch Ausfallkosten durch Krankheit oder Urlaub tragen wir. Sollten Sie Betriebsferien machen, muss der Zeitarbeitnehmer ebenfalls nicht weiter bezahlt werden. Kosten entstehen nur für die Arbeit, die tatsächlich verrichtet wird.
2. Full Flexibility with Limited Leasing Contracts
On April 1, 2017 the new Employee Leasing Act became effective yielding at preventing the misuse of temporary work. The law stipulates a maximal leasing period of 18 months. After just nine months, temporary employees shall receive the same wage as permanent employees – with occasional exceptions allowed, however. In 2016, roughly one million people in Germany were temporary employees.
Next to the cost factor, this is one of the most important benefits for the enterprises taking the decision to hire temporary employees. Timely restricted projects bind too much work force causing staff bottlenecks in other areas. With temporary employment, recruitment of new permanent employees becomes unnecessary. Also in case of an unexpectedly high sickness rate or vacation peaks, flexible personnel leasing provides immediate remedy.
3. Careful Personnel Selection according to the Customer´s Needs
It is often said that temporary employees are allegedly less qualified than permanent employees, that they do not have the right vocational training or have not gathered sufficient work experience. We precisely match the staff based on the current level of professional qualification.
4. Less Recruitment Efforts
The cost and time-intensive head-hunting for qualified employees is reduced to a minimum thanks to us. After the company has signed the contract, professional service-providers conduct a careful preselection. There is no need to place job ads, to conduct time-consuming job interviews and assessment centers.
5. Large Pool of Applicants
We have a pool of technical employees with diverse qualifications from many different professional groups. Electronics technicians, industrial mechanics, machine fitters, welders, programmers. This covers most staff shortages. Even small-sized companies are able to accept large-volume orders on a short notice due to the use of temporary staff.